Lydia McCaleb
Lydia McCaleb
Year: Jr.
Hometown: Evanston, Ill.
High School: Evanston Township
Brandeis Women's Cross Country StatisticsLydia McCaleb
at Southern Maine (4K)Time  17:14DNR
Placement  5(3)DNR
Roger Williams Inv. Time 19:42.04  
Placement 6 (3)  
Umass Dartmouth Shriner's Invitational (5K)Time 18:43.6519:18.5DNR
Placement 14(4)37(3)DNR
Keene St. Invitational (5K)Time  NO RACE19:44DNR
Placement  NO RACE14(3)DNR
Open New England Championships (5K)Time  19:19.1No RaceNo Race
Placement  121 (4)No RaceNo Race
Connecticut College Invitational  (6K)Time  22:44.823:48DNR
Placement  32(3)36(3)DNR
UAA Championships (6K)Time  23:18.42 23:07.4DNR
Placement  43(7)25(1)DNR
New England Div. III Regional (6K)Time  23:46.1DNR
Placement  77(3)DNR
NCAA Championships (6K)Time  DNRDNR
Placement  DNRDNR

2014: As a rookie, led Judges in UAA Championships with 6K-PR of 23:07.4... Finshed in top three on team in every race she ran...

Getting to know Lydia:

My favorite class or professor at Brandeis is: Investigating Justice with Professor Kabrhel because it's really interesting and made me think about certain issues from a different perspective. 

My summer job/experience was: interning at Lawyers For Children in New York City. 

My favorite movie of all time is: Memento because it gets better every time you watch it!

After graduation, I want to: work for a couple of years before pursuing Law School.