On Sunday, December 12th, the Brandeis men's basketball team hosted its second Youth Clinic for children in grades K to 8 to raise money for Boston Children's Hospital in Waltham. After serving as a physical toy drive in 2019, this year's toy drive was virtual because of COVID-19, raising money for the hospital's annual Christmastime fundraiser. This year, the Judges brought in more than $1,200 thanks to the 21 participants in the clinic, as well as other generous online donations.
Money can be donated to the 2021 Boston Children's Hospital Toy Drive at https://www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=DChcSEwjphpndouH0AhWzyZQJHdbhAtUYABAAGgJ5bQ&ae=2&ohost=www.google.com&cid=CAESQeD2px1afMuoCeyPoa2tkGe0-EMFH2k8oFQtSzNCHYOwklnadoNCzENSKArlnqSZgMRcGYAGYtpDCplMDAiIkZDw&sig=AOD64_077yg5C1ErZp0jC4i9F6IdaGDQOg&q&nis=1&adurl&ved=2ahUKEwiOmY3douH0AhWVjIkEHUnNCS8Q0Qx6BAgCEAEhttps://secure.childrenshospital.org/site/TR?fr_id=2150&pg=entry&s_src=VTD21PTZZZ&utm_source=EVENTS&utm_medium=Print&utm_campaign=VTD&utm_content=MrkURL