WALTHAM, Mass. – In a pair of home dual matches, the Brandeis fencing teams each dropped a pair of matches to University Athletic Association rival NYU. The women had the closest match, 15-12, in their second match after dropping the first, 19-8. The men dropped their opener, 18-9, and lost the second match, 22-5.
The Judges had four squad wins on the day. In the women's second match with the Violets, saber were 6-3 winners and the epee won, 5-4. Unfortunately, NYU took an 8-1 win in foil to earn the win. The men's lone win was a 5-4 victory in epee in the opening match.
Top performers on the day were junior Maggie Shealy (Chapel Hill, N.C./East Chapel Hill), who was 5-1 on the day for the saber squad. First-year Kayla Turnof (Westfield, N.J. / Kent Place School) went 4-2 in saber. Junior Paula Thornton (Marietta, Ga. / Campbell) posted three wins for the women's epee squad.
On the men's side, junior Ben Rogak (E. Setauket, N.Y./Ward-Melville) and first-year Tal Kronrod (Concord, Mass. / Concord Carlisle) went 2-1 in the opening match for the men's epee squad. Rookie Tony Escueta (Grand Prairie, Texas / Abeka Home School Academy) was 2-1 for the men's epee squad in the first match.
Brandeis returns to action on February 12th and 13th at the Duke Invitational.