DURHAM, N.C. – The Brandeis University men's fencing team wrapped up its 2022 dual meet season today at the Duke Invitational. The Judges went 2-3 with wins over Division I Air Force (18-9) and D3 Johns Hopkins (14-13). They also dropped matches to three top-12 Division I opponents: #3 Penn State (2-25); #6 Duke (10-17) and #9 North Carolina (8-19). The Judges conclude their dual-meet season with a record of 15-18.
The top squad on the day for the Judges was the saber squad, which went 2-3 with a 9-0 win over Air Force and a 5-4 win over Johns Hopkins. They also had two narrow 5-4 losses to Duke and North Carolina, and were responsible for the team's only two points against Penn State. First-year Tony Escueta (Grand Prairie, Texas / Abeka Home School Academy) led the team with eight wins, going 8-6. Sophomore Berwyn Lu (Atlanta, Ga. / Lovett School) went 7-7, while classmate Nick Quan (Mount Sinai, N.Y. / Mount Sinai) picked up some quality wins late in each match, going 4-1, with his only loss coming to Penn State.
The men's foil squad also went 2-3 on the day with three 5-4 decisions, including wins over Johns Hopkins and Duke, the team's only squad win against the Blue Devils. Junior Jake Hempe (Coram, N.Y. / Newfield) and sophomore Luke Ritchie (Baltimore, Md. / St. Paul's School) tied for the squad lead with six wins each.
The men's epee squad had just one team victory on the day, 5-4 over Air Force. They also dropped a tight 5-4 match against JHU. First-year Tal Kronrod (Concord, Mass. / Concord-Carlisle) led the squad with five wins, including a 2-1 record against Air Force. He earned at least one win against four of the team's five opponents on the day.
The Brandeis women will take on a similar schedule tomorrow at Duke, with only Temple replacing Johns Hopkins.
#3 Penn State 25, Brandeis 2 (S,7-2; F,9-0; E,9-0)
Brandeis 18, Air Force 9 (S,9-0; F, 4-5; E, 5-4)
#6 Duke 17, Brandeis 10 (S, 5-4; F, 4-5; E, 8-1)
#9 North Carolina 19, Brandeis 8 (S, 5-4; F, 7-2; E, 7-2)
Brandeis 14, Johns Hopkins 13 (S, 5-4; F, 5-4; E, 4-5)