Eric Cherny
Eric Cherny
Year: Fy.
Hometown: Brooklyn, N.Y.
High School: Basis Independent Brooklyn
Events: Sprint Free/Fly
Major: Undeclared

Getting to know Eric...

My favorite high school/non-Brandeis athletic moment is: Winning 11 gold and 2 silver medals at the 2019 JCC Maccabi games

My favorite high school class was: AP Research because I had complete freedom to research whatever I wanted for my whole senior year. Then I had to write a 5000 word paper, which was still enjoyable. In the end I made something truly unique among my class.

My dream job is: An author because I want to entertain people

My favorite song is: Gunslinger by Avenged Sevenfold

My favorite book is: Until We Have Faces by C.S. Lewis

Performer who would play me in the movie of my life: Daniel Radcliffe